I have spent many hours today wondering what to post... what to say to truly empower T1D mama's... to give thanks to a thankless job. I have stared at a blank blog page, while answering 911 calls at another thankless job, most of the day.
As usual, I worked today. A split shift, so I got the late morning/early afternoon off before returning to work. My family took my very amazing mama & I out to lunch, Izzy managed not to have a meltdown, Kaylee only burped once loudly at the table, and my sister (who is childless) got a special mothers day cake from the staff (& of course I in return asked if she had something to tell us!).
I got cards, flowers, homemade gifts from the kids, & not one but TWO bottles of Skinnygirl margarita (to which my hubby explained was a BOGO deal brought to his attention by the fine staff at Safeway - thanks Safeway gal!).
I got to rest in bed, mindlessly checking Facebook on my phone, before returning to work tonight.
Looking back at motherhood, it's tough. I took on the job of loving two girls who were not mine, who deserved nothing short of an amazing mama, & I have done my best to show them what a loving family is. I take care of our home (alright so the play room looks like tornado Izzy swept through it right now), cook, do laundry, & then add in Izzy. She's a NORMAL toddler, with NORMAL toddler behavior. I wouldn't trade her spunk for the world. Motherhood is one hell of a roller coaster, it's not for the weak, it takes patience, strength, and devotion.
Then you add in type one to the mix. Holy moly!
Today I have had several people tell me they don't know how I do it. I have had them say I handle it all with such courage & grace. I am so strong. Well, thank you... but I do not feel this way. I am a HOT MESS! Aren't we all?!
I follow the "Princess and The Pump" blog religiously. I find strength in her words. Today her blog post says what I have been trying to put into words. So I share the message with you:
"I see the you that drags into a darkened bedroom in the middle of the night to test a blood sugar.
I see the you that fights with the insurance company.
I see the you that gets up after only a couple hours of sleep and goes to work all day long.
I see the you still cries - no matter how long it's been.
I see the you whose heart breaks when your child isn't included in something because of T1.
I see the you with tears in your eyes when you have to hold your child down for a shot.
I see the you that is afraid of what might happen in the future.
I see the you that is full of nerves and apprehension - but still a smile - when your T1 is gaining independence.
I still the you that does everything possible to make sure your child is able to do what everyone else does.
I see the you that tirelessly advocates and fundraisers.
I see the you that hurts because of friendships you've lost with people who don't understand this life and it's demands.
I see the you that is letdown - again - when someone you thought would step up and be there for you... isn't.
I see the you that puts everyone else first.
I see the you that thinks that no one notices how hard this job is. That no one asks how YOU are.
I see the you that wonders if YOU even exist anymore."
I couldn't have said it better, so I won't say anything else.
Happy Mother's Day!