Monday, May 18, 2015

School is almost out... JUMP FOR JOY!!

In past years, it was never a secret I dreaded summer. The inevitable "entertain me" attitudes from K & K, the still-waking-up-at-the-butt-crack-of-dawn mentality they had, having to ensure the house was readily stocked with snacks because otherwise they would eat me out of house & home, wondering how to keep to Izzy's schedule while making sure I didn't lose my marbles. Well, this year is different.

I am soooooooooo excited summer is almost here. They have fooooooooour more days of school. (Can you tell I am excited?! Ha.)

The last couple of weeks I have been helping the school plan this...


It has been a crazy year, with school events, sports, chorus... not only do I need a break, but I am pretty sure the older girls do too. Izzy could use some sisterly time. I could use some stay-in-my-pjs-until-noon time. We still have sports in the summer & camp, but there's breaks, & it just seems EASY.  At least I hope it is.

I am working more too. I need T1D Dad's help a lot more these days. He is a trooper! :)

Although I am looking forward to having some time with T1D Dad the next couple of days... I am just sooooooo ready for it to be Friday. Bring on the summer!

What do you have planned for the summer?? Share with me via!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

I have spent many hours today wondering what to post... what to say to truly empower T1D mama's... to give thanks to a thankless job. I have stared at a blank blog page, while answering 911 calls at another thankless job, most of the day.

As usual, I worked today. A split shift, so I got the late morning/early afternoon off before returning to work. My family took my very amazing mama & I out to lunch, Izzy managed not to have a meltdown, Kaylee only burped once loudly at the table, and my sister (who is childless) got a special mothers day cake from the staff (& of course I in return asked if she had something to tell us!).

I got cards, flowers, homemade gifts from the kids, & not one but TWO bottles of Skinnygirl margarita (to which my hubby explained was a BOGO deal brought to his attention by the fine staff at Safeway - thanks Safeway gal!).

I got to rest in bed, mindlessly checking Facebook on my phone, before returning to work tonight.

Looking back at motherhood, it's tough. I took on the job of loving two girls who were not mine, who deserved nothing short of an amazing mama, & I have done my best to show them what a loving family is. I take care of our home (alright so the play room looks like tornado Izzy swept through it right now), cook, do laundry, & then add in Izzy. She's a NORMAL toddler, with NORMAL toddler behavior. I wouldn't trade her spunk for the world. Motherhood is one hell of a roller coaster, it's not for the weak, it takes patience, strength, and devotion.

Then you add in type one to the mix. Holy moly!

Today I have had several people tell me they don't know how I do it. I have had them say I handle it all with such courage & grace. I am so strong. Well, thank you... but I do not feel this way. I am a HOT MESS! Aren't we all?!

I follow the "Princess and The Pump" blog religiously. I find strength in her words. Today her blog post says what I have been trying to put into words. So I share the message with you:
"I see the you that drags into a darkened bedroom in the middle of the night to test a blood sugar.
I see the you that fights with the insurance company.
I see the you that gets up after only a couple hours of sleep and goes to work all day long.
I see the you still cries - no matter how long it's been.
I see the you whose heart breaks when your child isn't included in something because of T1.
I see the you with tears in your eyes when you have to hold your child down for a shot.
I see the you that is afraid of what might happen in the future.
I see the you that is full of nerves and apprehension - but still a smile - when your T1 is gaining independence.
I still the you that does everything possible to make sure your child is able to do what everyone else does.
I see the you that tirelessly advocates and fundraisers.
I see the you that hurts because of friendships you've lost with people who don't understand this life and it's demands.
I see the you that is letdown - again - when someone you thought would step up and be there for you... isn't.
I see the you that puts everyone else first.
I see the you that thinks that no one notices how hard this job is.  That no one asks how YOU are.  
I see the you that wonders if YOU even exist anymore."

I couldn't have said it better, so I won't say anything else.

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Just another week in the life...

Just when you think life can't get more crazy, it totally does. I mean, why not add on a few more things to the endless to do list & the sleep deprived nights, right?!

Last week was NUTS. There really aren't words to describe it. Izzy's sugar was OUT OF CONTROL. Fighting lows, chasing highs. I was on a roller coaster. I have come to the realization I will never get a full nights sleep again... but still not coping well with the intermittent, 5 hours of sleep nights in 1-2 hour increments.

Thursday we missed dance class because Izzy & I were up all night. Have you seen my FB post about Caillou? I may loathe that whiny little booger, but he got us through the night with re-runs on demand. I swore up & down I won't let Izzy miss out on things because of this disease, but lets be real, it was best to just let her sleep from 7-10am & start over next week.

Friday I was still battling my exhaustion. I was on edge. I heard from our endo, we are now going to drive down to UMC weekly to meet with them to get Izzy's sugar under control. Or as best as "under control" can get for a growing toddler. It's at least a 30 minute drive one way, but worth it if we can make some positive changes.

Friday evening, with Keira at a friend's house & Kaylee gone to her softball game with her Daddy, I decided it was time to have some fun & let Izzy be "free" for a hot minute. I detached her pump, left the CGM receiver inside, put her bathing suit on, & we headed to the backyard to play with her new water table.  Needless to say - we both needed to let loose.  Can you tell she had fun?

Saturday was a good day... & we ended it with a T1D get together that I helped plan, local families in the park, meeting new people. We had dinner out, Izzy ran around like crazy, we met another family with a little girl around Izzy's age, & bonus - they only live 10 minutes away! There will be many more local events, & I am thrilled to say I will be a part of the planning to ensure myself & others have support in one another.

What I take away from the chaos that has been the last week, is that with it all I will be okay. Izzy will be okay. Sometimes I just need to take a step back, breathe, have fun, & see that there is a plan for every card we are dealt.

Just another week in the life...