I am soooooooooo excited summer is almost here. They have fooooooooour more days of school. (Can you tell I am excited?! Ha.)
The last couple of weeks I have been helping the school plan this...
It has been a crazy year, with school events, sports, chorus... not only do I need a break, but I am pretty sure the older girls do too. Izzy could use some sisterly time. I could use some stay-in-my-pjs-until-noon time. We still have sports in the summer & camp, but there's breaks, & it just seems EASY. At least I hope it is.
I am working more too. I need T1D Dad's help a lot more these days. He is a trooper! :)
Although I am looking forward to having some time with T1D Dad the next couple of days... I am just sooooooo ready for it to be Friday. Bring on the summer!
What do you have planned for the summer?? Share with me via www.fb.com/lifeofat1dmama!
Babysitting. I can sense your true joy and excitement now. So I'll give you ten days before the joy and excitement wains and three little girls under the age of 10 running free in rapturous heaven of togetherness drive you to call me. So you can go to Starbucks and purchase a giant refreshment of caffeinated Titanic proportions. Drive to the Target parking lot and sit in your car. In silence. Alone. Making no eye contact with anyone. Silent. Alone. In the parking lot a few miles from home. I'm here for you kid. Call me. love and hugs, Your Mother