Sunday, January 17, 2016

Miss Judgy McJudgykins

Every mother has experienced their fair share of moments when they just CAN'T. They just can't do another play date on 3 hours of sleep. They just can't meet up for coffee with a screaming 2yo in tow - AGAIN. They can't make it to happy hour because their husband has picked up more OT. They can't make it to the gym because they haven't slept & have to take their kids to the doctor. They can't struggle with potty training one more night. They can't take a shower because a 20 minute power nap sounds so much more enticing.

Then, in the midst of all the sleep deprived "I just cannot do one more thing" moments they meet Miss Judgy McJudgykins. You know her. We have ALL felt her stares.

She's the mom who is perfectly put together 24/7/365. She is the mom who makes it to the gym not once but twice a day. She carries on conversations about her amazing vacations & her amazing children, who have never struggled with picky eating or potty training. She will gladly tell you you make too many excuses. She will happily give you her hairdressers card as she stares at the cheerios atop your "up-do." And she will always walk away with an air about her like she is so much better then you, making you feel so very small.

I give her kudos. Kudos for having a perfect life. Kudos for always finding time to shower, do her hair & makeup. Kudos for getting her workout in every day. Let's be real, I haven't showered in 2 days thanks to sleep deprivation & the amazingness that is called type 1 diabetes. I am lucky to get a decent meal in, & lately it involves veggies & hummus so I don't feel so bad I haven't got my workout in.

I think we are all guilty at some point of judging moms. But why?? Why do we feel that somehow we will feel better about our own lives if we somehow belittle others & give them the judgy stares??

It's a new year. So why not try to judge others less. We need friends, not judgement. So to all the Miss Judgy McJudgykins out there - could ya stop already?! Whatever your deal is with having to feel better then others, or not putting yourself in others shoes, or flat out LYING (because c'mon EVERY kid hates quinoa at 2 years old!)... on behalf of mother's everywhere who are feeling a bit like we want to throat punch you, please take a step back & change your judgy ways as we enter 2016.

Hey its a new year... why not a new you?

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