Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I am a warrior!

As the school year ended I thought we'd have a quiet couple of weeks before summer camps & softball started back up. Sadly, I was wrong (why yes the softball coach decided to start practice TWO WEEKS earlier then we were originally told!!). I also didn't expect to be thrown yet another curve ball.

When Izzy was diagnosed with T1D, I struggled. Heck, I still struggle 10 months later. The 7 stages of grief?! Try 72... because I have repeated those steps over & over again. And when you finally think you have a grasp on things, life throws you another thing to the never ending list.

As many do not know, a couple weeks ago we took Izzy for a speech evaluation. My hubby told me I was overreacting. My family told me it wasn't necessary, she was fine. The pediatrician said we could either wait things out or go for the eval. Our endo was a tad concerned though... No one around me seemed to grasp that I knew something was not right though. Last week, I was told Izzy was being diagnosed with a "developmental delay" following that speech eval. Although anywhere in the 2-3yo age range is where they want to see the mastery of certain sounds, etc. she was still far behind her peers at 2.5yo.

My kid talks. She talks your ear off. But you can't understand 90% of what she is saying. I know the words. My hubby knows the words. But as I look around us at play groups, dance class, story time... she should be saying these easy words that others say, yet it's all gibberish.

After this diagnosis, it was decided she would begin a weekly music speech therapy group & 1:1 sessions every 2-3 weeks. I am fine with that idea. I have tools given to me by professionals.

I have to admit, I've been ashamed that this is going on. I feel like I've done something wrong or somehow done a disservice to Izzy because she cannot say basic words.

I vented to a friend & previous co-worker in the child welfare arena... She said just what I needed to hear, "You are strong. You are a warrior." And she is right! I have come so far with T1D. I will take on this new obstacle & somehow find the strength to master it as well.

It's not easy being told your child isn't developing the way she should. It isn't easy knowing that things are different for her. I have promised myself I will never let my child be a victim of T1D & I won't let another hurdle stand in her way of achieving great things.

I know I need support, so I am reaching out to my own network - which has grown quite small over the last 2 years. If you, too, are going through any stressors in life that you feel ashamed of... DON'T! We are all warriors. We all have an inner strength, sometimes it takes awhile to hone in on it, but it is there. Know that you are not alone in whatever your struggle is, because there is always someone out there who understands.

I hope everyone takes a moment to hug their babies closer & has a great week! I know I will be doing just that. 

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